Safest Places to Live in Colorado of March 2025

Elite Personal Finance
Last Update: December 1, 2024 Living

It goes without saying that US cities with a large population are more dangerous than smaller ones. However, certain regions are safer than others too. For example, the US’s coasts are slightly more dangerous than the central part because of New York City, Miami, Los Angeles, etc. With that in mind, if we analyze the average crime rate, some states are definitely safer than others.

Ranking Criteria

ElitePersonalFinance extracted the latest data from the FBI crime statistics in the United States. We took violent crime as the main criteria. To get our score, we used this formula:

Crime Score = ( Total Number of Violent Crimes / Population ) * 1,000

This way, safer cities got the lowest score, and those more vulnerable to crimes got higher scores.

The cities that did not report crimes to the FBI and those under 3,000 residents were not included in the list.

30 Safest Places in Colorado of March 2025

Rank: City: Population: Total Number of Crimes: Crime Score:
1 Lamar 7 619 0 0,00
2 Frederick 14 238 0 0,00
3 Milliken 7 978 1 0,13
4 Basalt 4 209 1 0,24
5 Severance 5 362 2 0,37
6 Firestone 15 558 6 0,39
7 Timnath 5 027 2 0,40
8 Silverthorne 4 948 2 0,40
9 Cherry Hills Village 6 734 3 0,45
10 Castle Rock 67 208 30 0,45
11 Eaton 5 690 3 0,53
12 Louisville 21 532 16 0,74
13 Florence 3 965 3 0,76
14 New Castle 5 095 4 0,79
15 Mead 4 924 4 0,81
16 Dacono 6 074 5 0,82
17 Salida 6 061 5 0,82
18 Littleton 48 831 43 0,88
19 Manitou Springs 5 388 5 0,93
20 Parker 57 050 55 0,96
21 Erie 26 523 28 1,06
22 Broomfield 70 798 75 1,06
23 Johnstown 15 547 17 1,09
24 Delta 8 929 10 1,12
25 Yuma 3 452 4 1,16
26 Aspen 7 461 9 1,21
27 Platteville 3 922 5 1,27
28 Carbondale 6 941 9 1,30
29 Woodland Park 7 863 11 1,40
30 Avon 6 496 10 1,54

Crime Score in All Cities in Colorado of March 2025

If your city didn’t make our list, you could see our full list of Colorado cities.

We can’t compare crime rates in small and large cities. That’s why ElitePersonalFinance made a detailed analysis and divided all places between Colorado into the following categories:

  • Under 3,000 Residents
  • 3,000 – 10,000 Residents
  • 10,000 – 30,000 Residents
  • Over 30,000 Residents

(Other sites don’t include places with under 3,000 residents, but we included them.)

These are the results that we got:

Under 3,000 Residents

Rank: City: Population: Total Number of Crimes: Crime Score:
1 Lakeside 8 0 0,00
2 Mountain View 541 0 0,00
3 Green Mountain Falls 714 0 0,00
4 Fairplay 773 0 0,00
5 Bow Mar 959 0 0,00
6 Fowler 1 139 0 0,00
7 Columbine Valley 1 519 0 0,00
8 Olathe 1 824 0 0,00
9 Limon 1 929 0 0,00
10 Granby 2 133 0 0,00
11 Holyoke 2 204 0 0,00
12 Snowmass Village 2 767 0 0,00
13 Buena Vista 2 857 1 0,35
14 Bayfield 2 754 1 0,36
15 Wray 2 331 1 0,43
16 Hayden 1 992 1 0,50
17 Mountain Village 1 450 1 0,69
18 Springfield 1 369 1 0,73
19 Crested Butte 1 708 2 1,17
20 Telluride 2 518 3 1,19
21 Nederland 1 560 2 1,28
22 Rangely 2 278 3 1,32
23 Mancos 1 429 2 1,40
24 Elizabeth 1 424 2 1,40
25 Kersey 1 679 3 1,79
26 Walsh 513 1 1,95
27 Hotchkiss 932 2 2,15
28 Palisade 2 723 6 2,20
29 Meeker 2 238 5 2,23
30 Pagosa Springs 2 044 5 2,45
31 La Salle 2 400 6 2,50
32 Center 2 312 6 2,60
33 Leadville 2 785 8 2,87
34 South Fork 348 1 2,87
35 Dillon 981 3 3,06
36 Simla 642 2 3,12
37 Hudson 1 806 7 3,88
38 Oak Creek 975 4 4,10
39 Ignacio 892 4 4,48
40 Fraser/Winter Park 2 371 14 5,90
41 Cripple Creek 1 271 8 6,29
42 Idaho Springs 1 803 14 7,76
43 Mount Crested Butte 859 7 8,15
44 Parachute 1 125 16 14,22
45 Black Hawk 128 8 62,50

3,000 – 10,000 Residents

Rank: City: Population: Total Number of Crimes: Crime Score:
1 Lamar 7 619 0 0,00
2 Milliken 7 978 1 0,13
3 Basalt 4 209 1 0,24
4 Severance 5 362 2 0,37
5 Timnath 5 027 2 0,40
6 Silverthorne 4 948 2 0,40
7 Cherry Hills Village 6 734 3 0,45
8 Eaton 5 690 3 0,53
9 Florence 3 965 3 0,76
10 New Castle 5 095 4 0,79
11 Mead 4 924 4 0,81
12 Dacono 6 074 5 0,82
13 Salida 6 061 5 0,82
14 Manitou Springs 5 388 5 0,93
15 Delta 8 929 10 1,12
16 Yuma 3 452 4 1,16
17 Aspen 7 461 9 1,21
18 Platteville 3 922 5 1,27
19 Carbondale 6 941 9 1,30
20 Woodland Park 7 863 11 1,40
21 Avon 6 496 10 1,54
22 Estes Park 6 406 10 1,56
23 Craig 8 886 14 1,58
24 Edgewater 5 363 9 1,68
25 Gunnison 6 689 20 2,99
26 Silt 3 215 10 3,11
27 Breckenridge 5 079 16 3,15
28 Frisco 3 220 11 3,42
29 Rifle 9 782 38 3,88
30 Sheridan 6 233 28 4,49
31 Burlington 3 072 14 4,56
32 La Junta 6 983 32 4,58
33 Monte Vista 4 084 19 4,65
34 Trinidad 8 116 38 4,68
35 Cortez 8 748 43 4,92
36 Glendale 5 289 50 9,45

10,000 – 30,000 Residents

Rank: City: Population: Total Number of Crimes: Crime Score:
1 Frederick 14 238 0 0,00
2 Firestone 15 558 6 0,39
3 Louisville 21 532 16 0,74
4 Erie 26 523 28 1,06
5 Johnstown 15 547 17 1,09
6 Fruita 13 504 22 1,63
7 Montrose 19 564 40 2,04
8 Lafayette 29 522 63 2,13
9 Evans 21 585 47 2,18
10 Glenwood Springs 10 027 27 2,69
11 Lone Tree 15 129 47 3,11
12 Fort Morgan 11 355 43 3,79
13 Durango 19 271 75 3,89
14 Canon City 16 793 103 6,13
15 Alamosa 10 086 63 6,25
16 Sterling 13 573 107 7,88

Over 30,000 Residents

Rank: City: Population: Total Number of Crimes: Crime Score:
1 Castle Rock 67 208 30 0,45
2 Littleton 48 831 43 0,88
3 Parker 57 050 55 0,96
4 Broomfield 70 798 75 1,06
5 Englewood 35 273 72 2,04
6 Fort Collins 170 889 371 2,17
7 Arvada 122 312 266 2,17
8 Boulder 108 519 278 2,56
9 Thornton 142 168 388 2,73
10 Westminster 114 392 316 2,76
11 Loveland 78 856 222 2,82
12 Brighton 42 267 138 3,26
13 Greeley 109 255 386 3,53
14 Grand Junction 63 949 235 3,67
15 Fountain 31 041 127 4,09
16 Longmont 97 928 422 4,31
17 Commerce City 60 198 272 4,52
18 Northglenn 39 420 180 4,57
19 Colorado Springs 479 648 2 806 5,85
20 Aurora 380 600 2 799 7,35
21 Denver 728 941 5 459 7,49

How safe do you feel?

Is your city safe enough? Are you worried because of your city’s crime rate? Do you have any thoughts on safety levels in the country?

If you want to share anything, feel free to leave a comment. That way, you can help us understand your perspective better.

Thank you!




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