How to Save a Lot of Money on Every Online Purchase – 10% – 75%! Read …

Elite Personal Finance
Last Update: September 25, 2023 Save Money

Most of you know about things like cash back, rebate sites, credit card points, and so on. All of these are types of loyalty programs for regular customers. They work great, and many people use them!

However, in this article, we will discuss another way to save even more than these programs.

It’s a straightforward and obvious way to save money on every online purchase!

But for some of you, it would look like a hack.


Because many people don’t know and use it.

And here is this trick:

Affiliate Programs!

Do you know what they are? How do they work?

Most of you don’t. For those familiar, know them as a business.

And, in fact, they are a type of business.

Business? What I’m doing here? I want to save easy money …


We will show you exactly!

Today we are going to use affiliate programs for saving purposes. And at the end of this guide, you will be amazed because you will understand that affiliate programs can actually be so powerful that they will save you a lot of money!

What are Affiliate Programs and How Do They Work?

Before teaching you how to save between 10% to 75% on all online purchases and even how to make some money with affiliate programs, let’s explain how they work.

Affiliate programs are built in almost all online businesses. Over 99% of the companies that sell online or offer some services use them.

These programs pay you money if you send someone who buys something from them or register online for some service.


You have a site. On it, you post a banner ad or a link to some site that sells something. If someone visits your site, clicks on your link, and buys something from this company, you get paid.

The basics of affiliate programs.

Companies that sell online are called advertisers. People who send clients to advertisers are called publishers or affiliates. Affiliates typically build sites or use other types of promotion to send traffic to the advertisers. If some client buys from the advertiser, the affiliate gets paid.

Are you looking for a loan?

Here is a great page where we at ElitePersonalFinance offer loans.

Great, Great, Awesome Loans … 🙂

If you visit this page and buy a loan, the loan companies will pay us money.

In fact, this is how we make money from our site. But we invest 90% of the money that we make in high-quality writers that help you save and make money with their great ideas. Like this one, for example …

And this is how all big financial sites make money. If you search for “best loans” or “best credit cards,” you will find many sites that list products that are not their own. Actually, all big financial sites promote affiliate programs.

What is a tracking link?

A tracking link is your affiliate link. When you register with affiliate programs, you get a tracking link that points to the advertiser site. If anyone clicks on this link, the system register that, and if this person buys, you make money.

For example, if you register with Amazon affiliate programs, Amazon will give you a tracking link that will look like this:

When you click on that link, you will be redirected to, but the system will detect you, and if you buy anything, the person registered in their system as an affiliate will make money from all of the purchases.

However, don’t think too much about that. It is only the technical part that has been already built, and that works. So, all of the things that you have to do are very easy. It’s like register, copy, pastes, and so on.

What types of affiliate programs are out there?

  • Affiliate programs. Affiliate programs pay per sale. You get paid if you send a customer that buys something from the advertiser. Affiliate programs are also called PPS – pay per sell programs.
  • Lead generation. Lead generation programs pay you money when you send a customer that only registers with the advertiser site. These programs are also called PPL – pay per lead programs.
  • Per click programs. Such a program is Google Adsense. Google Adsense pays you money to post its ads on your site. If anyone clicks on their ad, you get paid per click. These programs are also called PPC – pay per click programs.
  • Per Impression. You get paid if you post a banner on your site. You get paid if your site load.

How to make money with affiliate programs?

It’s not that easy to make money with affiliate programs. You have to build sites, send traffic to them, and so on. All of these things require education, knowledge, investments, and so on. Some people make a lot of money with affiliate programs, but it is not for everyone.

That’s why, in this guide, we will discuss how to save money with affiliate programs.

How to Save a Lot of Money with Affiliate Programs?

Do you want to buy something from Amazon or eBay?

  • Go to their affiliate programs register as an affiliate.
  • Get your tracking link.
  • Buy from it.
  • The affiliate program will pay you back money from your purchase.

So an easy saving technique that almost NO one uses!

But …

What’s the catch?

Is it legal?

We even don’t want to comment on whether it is legal or not because it is pretty legal. Companies pay you money to send them customers who buy from them. So the company makes money, and they pay you a percentage from that.

But there is a catch.

Most affiliate programs don’t allow you to buy via your affiliate link.

How to avoid that?

One easy way is if you have a registered company. There shouldn’t be a problem that you buy from your own affiliate link. And even if the system recognizes you, there shouldn’t be a problem because the company actually makes money from you, and they pay you back some percentage from the purchase.

But, there is another way …

One person from your family registers with some affiliate programs, and you buy from his affiliate link.

For example, your wife will be the affiliate, you will buy from her affiliate link, and some money will be back in your family budget!


How Much Will I Save with This Technique?

Every affiliate program is different! Typically online purchases are at least 10% but can be more.

Only 10%? Not so much …

Wait … stay with us, we are talking about a lot of money.

Do you know that there are sites that pay up to 75% on expensive products? We will show you these later.

And actually, if you start applying this technique now, you will save this 10% and over on all of your purchases in your life!!!

That’s a lot.

Because when we say:

Save 10% on this and that … today promotion, tomorrow it’s gone.


Save 10% on all of your purchases online in your whole life?

Things look totally different!

You can save a lot of money.

Before we move on, let us give you a few quick examples.

Say that you spend $10,000 per year on online purchases. That’s $1,000 back if we count with 10%. In fact, the percentage is higher than 10%. We will show you this later in our guide.

What if you don’t buy online too often?

You should! Why not?

If you are interested, you should start doing this from now if you find cheaper online products.

Who are The Largest Affiliate Programs?


Here is their affiliate program.



Here things become interesting.

Are you looking for something like guides on making money online, lose weight programs, or so on? Most of these are sites that operate under a site called Clickbank. They pay up to 75% per sale. The products are expensive. Most of them are from $30 to $100. There are much more expensive. Now, imagine that you buy and get back up to 75%. For a sale of $100, you get back $75. Not so bad …

Here is a link to their marketplace.

There are many more affiliate programs. Like we have mentioned, almost all online stores have affiliate programs.

Where to find them?

Typically they are at the bottom of every site. You should see a link like “Affiliate Program” or “Partner Program” on every site. If you can’t find such a link, then research or call them and ask.

How to Make Business from Affiliate Programs?

As we’ve mentioned, you shouldn’t buy via your own affiliate link because this is considered against the terms. Most affiliate programs don’t allow that. It’s questionable what would happen if they catch you because you are their customer, you buy their products, and they make money from you. So, the chances of having some consequences are low. In the worst case, you risk losing your account and all of the money in it.

To make this 100% legal, ask someone to register with their affiliate programs and buy via his link. If this is a person from your family, this money will be back in your family budget.

But here is another great idea. How can you actually make a business from this great saving strategy?

You can make money from this strategy if you ask other people to buy via your affiliate link. And you pay them back some percentage of what you make.

To make this look legit, you should build a site and place your affiliate links there.

Make the site looks legit, put some content.

And offer it to people that you know.

If they buy, you pay them back some percentage of the money that the affiliate program pays you.

Is this legal?

This actually is not so legal because most affiliate programs don’t allow you to pay the money back. This is considered a nonloyal competition, which is not ok.

But … who will know about that?

If you don’t overdo that strategy if you offer that only to people you know, you are good to go.

If you overdo that, if you run a promotion on your site that you give money back, your affiliate account will probably be banned, and you will lose all of the money in it.

All affiliate programs are different. You should check their terms carefully and ask them if you are not sure.

Are Affiliate Programs Compatible with Credit Card Points, Rebates, and so on?


You buy via an affiliate link doesn’t mean that you can’t use additional ways to save money from your purchases. If you buy with a credit card that gives you points for your purchases, your points will be there, and you will save from both the affiliate program and the points and all other deals that the advertiser offer.


Make and save money with affiliate programs. Affiliate programs are a great way for people to make and save money. However, before starting, we recommend reading some topics and reading the affiliate program terms carefully.


Elite Personal Finance

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