BadCreditLoans Personal Loans Review of March 2025

Elite Personal Finance
Last Update: March 11, 2023 Loan Reviews is a site designed to help people get loans if they have really bad credit. On their site, you will read, “We can help when others can’t,” and this is really true. People get personal loans even with really bad credit.

People with really bad credit can get a loan amount of $1,000 to $2,500.

People with bad to fair credit scores can get up to $10,000.

Also, people usually get approved fast.

Loan Amount: $500 – $10,000
APR: 5.99% – 35.99%
Min. Credit Score: 0
Approval: 1 Day
Terms: 3 – 36 months
Origination Fee: N/A
DTI Ratio: N/A
Check rates

What You have to know about


  • No application fees.
  • No origination fee.
  • No early or extra payment fees.
  • No late fees.


  • Min Credit Score: 0
  • Debt-to-income ratio: N/A
  • Income requirement: Have a regular income, either from full-time employment, self-employment, or disability or Social Security benefits.
  • Credit history: N/A
  • To be eligible for a personal loan product, typically, an individual must not have any accounts more than 60 days late; must not have active or recent bankruptcies; must not exhibit a pattern of late payments; must not have any debt that cannot be covered by current income; and must not have any recently charged-off accounts.
  • Type of credit check: Soft

Best for

  • Really bad credit.

The Application Process

  • Register, complete the registration form, and enter all details that BadCreditLoans requires from you. Then, they will send your application to their network.
  • Could you wait for an offer from their lenders? You will start receiving offers immediately.
  • If you like an offer, apply for it.
  • Receive your funds.

Now Let’s Review BadCreditLoans in Details

But before that, let’s compare BadCreditLoans with a few other companies.

Loan Company: Amount: Min. Credit Score: APR:
BadCreditLoans $500 – $10,000 0 5.99% – 35.99%
OppLoans $500 – $4,000 0 59% – 160%
PersonalLoans $1,000 – $35,000 580 5.99% – 35.99%

So you are desperate for a loan, but you have really bad credit? Where do you turn in such a situation? Many loan companies offer loans to individuals in your situation, but one of them is designed specifically for people with really bad credit. They are called, claiming to “Help When Others Can’t.” This type of loan can be accessed 100% online without ever setting foot in a financial institution.

When you are really in a financial bind, the options tend to be terrible – small dollar amounts with incredibly high-interest rates. Bad Credit Loans is an exception, though they do not offer the loans themselves. They are actually a marketplace that points you in the direction of lenders who may take you on and offer you the loan you are looking for.


  • Be 18 years of age or older.
  • Supply your phone number and email address.
  • Show proof of citizenship or legal status.
  • Show proof of employment for the last 3 months.
  • Have a checking account.

These requirements are pretty standard for anyone offering to lend you money. They need to understand your financial outlook to decide how much of a risk you are. They may also ask you when you will pay off the debt and where the money will come from that you will use to repay the debt.

Here’s the part where it gets really interesting. The average annual percentage rate ranges from 5.99% to 35.99%.

These loans are designed to be paid back within very short time periods, like one to three months. They are not designed for you to pay over the course of years. If you know you can pay back the loan within a month, it may not be a terrible option when you are in a sticky situation.

What We Like about BadCreditLoans:

  • They make financing available to borrowers with really poor credit.
  • They work with a network to try to get multiple offers on the table for you. This allows for competition and ultimately lower rates for you, though not significantly lower.
  • It is free to apply.
  • The decision is considered “instant,” meaning you will get an answer within just a few minutes.

What We Don’t Like about BadCreditLoans:

  • You can usually only get up to $1,000 – $2,000 or less if you have really bad credit.
  • Interest rates generally start at 5.99% – 35.99%, but they can be more in some cases.
  • If you do not pay off the debt by the deadline, you can suffer from insanely higher rates and get stuck in a very bad situation.

Fees vs. Interest

One of the worst things about taking a payday loan is that they treat your loan as a cash advance rather than a loan, so they charge a fee instead of interest. The difference is that in the case of a loan, a part of every single payment goes to paying down the principal balance. On the other hand, a payday loan or cash advance payment does not necessarily do this. The payments can go 100% to the interest rate, making it really difficult to pay off the initial debt, causing a downward spiral into snowballing debt that continues to grow larger and larger.

How to Avoid The Downward Spiral

Make sure to pay a little extra on every payment and designate it to the principal balance. This is the only sure way to pay off the debt instead of just paying off the fees and never seeing the debt actually decrease. Even if you can only contribute $10 to the principal balance on each payment, be sure to do that. Every little bit counts and goes a long way towards lowering your burden.

Why Get a Bad Credit Loan?

Knowing all of this information about Bad Credit Loans, what might be a situation in which you would want to use their service?

Let’s say your rent is overdue for the month, but for some reason, you don’t have enough money in the bank to pay it. Perhaps because your car stopped running properly and you had to replace it, you don’t get paid until next week. Perhaps you lost your job and have had no income for the last sixty days.

This is a very sticky situation and could lead to eviction. You know that your rent is $1,250 and that you are receiving $1,750 next week from some source or other. Taking a Bad Credit Loan would give you access to the cash you need to pay your rent.

In a situation like this, in which you might lose your place to live or have your electricity or water shut off, the ability to stay in your home and keep your utilities on may outweigh the exorbitant cost associated with taking the loan. While the terms of a payday loan like this are not ideal, there are times when you have no other options, and these companies are there to take advantage of this knowledge.

There is always someone having a bad day, a bad month, or a bad year financially, and because of this, there will always be a need for a company like Bad Credit Loans to help this person pay for their emergencies.


Elite Personal Finance

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