Best Personal Loans With No Credit History of March 2025

Elite Personal Finance
Last Update: January 15, 2025 Loan Reviews Loans

People with no credit history are a great target for predatory lenders. First of all, having no credit history would mean that they don’t have much knowledge and experience with the lending market.

It is not true that no credit always means bad credit. In fact, many lenders believe that having no credit history is not a bad thing at all.

Do NOT get payday loans. They are costly. This video shows how people with bad credit can get personal loans with an APR of 5.99% to 35.99%.

Loan Company: Min. Credit Score: APR: Amount:
MoneyMutual 0 5,99% to 35,99% $100 – $5,000
SuperMoney Debt Consolidation 0 8,99%-35,99% $1,000 – $100,000
SuperMoney Personal Loans 0 8,99%-35,99% $1,000 – $100,000
ZippyLoan 0 5,99% to 35,99% $100 – $15,000
VivaLoan 0 5,99% to 35,99% $100 – $15,000
Upstart 300 7,8% – 35,99% $1,000 – $50,000
Upgrade 580 9,99%-35,99% $1,000 – $50,000
MarketLoans 0 5,99% to 35,99% $100 – $40,000
NextDayPersonalLoan 0 5,99% to 35,99% $100 – $40,000
LifeLoans 0 5,99% to 35,99% $100 – $40,000
PickALender 0 5,99% to 35,99% $100 – $40,000

Notice from ElitePersonalFinance !!!

When you have no credit, you are vulnerable to predatory lenders! We highly recommend that you avoid: Payday Loans; Auto Title Loans; Loans that post offers like: “no credit no problem,” “fast money, not a problem.” The loan market is much more flexible these days, and there are many options for people with no credit history or low credit to get a personal loan at reliable rates.

This guide will work with you to help you get a personal loan with no credit.

What Do Lenders Think when You have No Credit?

No credit means different things to different lenders!

When you have no credit, that means you have nothing on your credit report. It does not express if you are a good or bad borrower because you never borrowed money in the past years.

In that case, the lenders can’t be sure if you will pay for your promises, considering you are a risky borrower.

5 Questions That Lenders Will Ask

How Much Do You Need?

This might be a simple question but remember that the amount of money you want differs from your need. The lender will be really focused on understanding clearly how much do you need.

One key factor to be considered is your debt-to-income ratio, which represents the percentage of your income compromised to pay your monthly bills. To calculate it, you will divide your monthly income by the sum of your monthly bills.

For example, if you have a $2,500 income and $800 of bills each month, your debt to income will be 32% (800 divided by 2,500). Usually, individuals with a debt-to-income above 40% are considered riskier; however, below 20% would be an excellent candidate.

How Does Your Credit Report Look Like?

Eventually, you will tell them that you have no credit score. Remember, this is not the end of the line; you’ll have to show the lender in different ways that you are a trustworthy borrower.

The creditor will consider different factors besides credit score, such as:

  • Employment history.
  • Cash flow.
  • College degree.
  • Length of time in current residence.

What Will You Use The Money for?

This is a tricky question because what the lender is actually trying to know is, “Are you a good investment?”

To borrow money to repair your car, holiday expenses, or buying a new TV is not a good deal from the creditor’s point of view because there is no actual Return Over Investment (ROI) for the lender.

The institutions are looking to put their money on borrowers to bring more capital back to the future with the lowest risk possible.

For example, it’s way better to ask for a loan to improve your own house, expand your education, or anything that might bring you some return in the future, instead of asking for an auto repair.

How Will You Repay The Loan?

Of course, your income will play the biggest role in repaying your debt. Still, the creditor is looking for other alternatives to bring more assurance to your repayments, such as collateral, savings, and assets.

This is considered your liquidity factor, which explains what items you can convert into cash to pay for the loan from your financial situation.

Can You Put up any Collateral?

Collateral are items (such as a house or car) that you pledge to the credit institution if you cannot pay your debt.

To sign collateral will also help lower your APR for the loan because there is a guarantee that the debt will be repaid.

5 Things You Need to Know About No Credit History Loans

  • When you have no credit, you are vulnerable to predatory lenders

Those lenders offer you money with great options making the offer too good to be turned down.

However, it would help if you were careful with “too accessible” lenders because there might be huge APRs or unfair terms that they did not tell you about, bringing you into a debt cycle.

Legit lenders will always get some evaluation of your background and repayment risk. That’s why we brought you some key concepts before applying for any loan.

  • Be aware of interest rates

The interest rate represents the amount charged of the principal (loan) in percentage. In other words, it is the cost of debt by using someone else’s money or asset.

The interest rate will tell the lender how risky the lending is. For example, if you are a low-risk borrower, the interest rate for you will go down. If you’re a high-risk borrower, your interest rate will increase because your lender won’t be sure whether you will repay your debt on time.

Every time you’re looking for a loan, get deep into the details of the interest rates. Several factors influence your interest rates, and they will vary between lenders and loan types.

  • Be aware of fees

Besides the interest rates, you will also have to pay the loan fees. The fees are any percentage charged for borrowed money that is not included in the interest rate.

The most common fees are application fees, administration fees, origination fees, closing annual fees, funding fees, late fees, overdraft fees, NSF fees, and early repayment fees. The fees will vary based on the type of loan and institution, so do some research to get deeper details.

You have the right to know all the fees involved in any loan. Ask your lender, and always make sure you understand all of them clearly.

  • How much can you afford

Finally, when you sum up the interest rates and the loan fees, you will get your loan’s total cost, most commonly known as the Annual Percentage Rate (APR).

You can know if you can afford the loan by subtracting it from your income with that information.

If your budget gets too tight, be aware, and start to think about other alternatives.

  • Organization is unquestionable

Just like any personal financing tip, an organization will always be essential when dealing with loans. Make sure not to miss payments or to get a loan by impulse. Planning and close tracking your finances will be your best friends in this journey.

  • The lending market is flexible

Although you do not have a credit history, you still have many options out there. The lending market is very flexible, and you don’t have to limit yourself to banks.

Next, we will cover the loans for no credit people, such as Peer-to-peer lending, payday loans, personal loans, and co-signer.

Options to Get a Loan with No Credit

Credit Unions

Credit Unions are institutions that offer loans and credit lines with good fees and rates. These are members-owned institutions focused on helping people with specific characteristics such as religion, work industry, living area, or organizations’ membership. In fact, credit unions are a great accessible choice compared to other traditional institutions like banks.


  • Good interest rates.
  • Good discounts.
  • More attention received as a customer.
  • Transactions updated faster.


  • Savings offerings might be limited.
  • You cannot join any union you want.


Banks are the most traditional financial institutions available. They are regulated by a central bank or government with strict laws and are deeply connected to their economies.


  • More options for credit lines.
  • Cash deposits are allowed.


  • Low or no interest rates for savings.
  • A wide range of fees.

Peer-to-peer (P2P) Lending

Instead of borrowing money from banks and credit unions, you borrow money from someone else in peer-to-peer (P2P) lending. This is a great alternative because individual lenders get higher rates than institutions and borrowers get lower rates.


  • Paperless, transparent, and fast.
  • Lower interest rates compared to banks.
  • Unsecured (no collateral required).
  • Lenders can’t contact you directly, and you remain anonymous.


  • If you have no credit, interest rates are higher.
  • Missed payments will hit your credit score really badly.
  • Presentation skill is important.

When to use P2P lending: Short-term loans, debt consolidation, and home improvement.

Personal Loans

Personal loans are usually personal, household, or family-related. Their term may vary from 2 to 5 years, with APRs from 7% to 36%. It’s not as aggressive as payday loans, but the purpose is usually the same. Personal loans are secured or unsecured. Secured loans are backed by collateral (car or home), which means the lender will take the asset if you cannot pay for the loan. Unlike unsecured loans, the lender has no asset-backed up, but they can take legal actions to get the capital back. Considering that you don’t have a credit history, you’re able to apply for a personal loan by providing specific information to the lenders, such as income, affordability, employment history, and identity check.


  • You can use your personal loans for different purposes.
  • Quick cash.
  • Minimal documentation is required.


  • Unsecured loans will present high interest rates.
  • Good credit is usually an important factor for lower rates.
  • No early repayments are allowed.
  • No partial payments are allowed.

When to use personal loans: debt consolidation (be careful not to start a debt cycle!); family-related emergencies; home improvement; pay credit card debt with higher interest rates.


In cosigning loans, someone else takes responsibility to repay the loan. From the lender’s perspective, the lending process is less risky, and consequently, you might have better rates and terms. The primary borrower is responsible for making the payments on time. If he’s unable or defaulted the payment, the co-signer takes the responsibility. He may be contacted as soon as the default or other terms related to his contract. The cosigner usually has good credit, a low debt-to-income ratio, and a high credit score. The residence should be the same as the primary borrower depending on the co-sign type.


  • You can use it for different purposes.
  • Quick cash.
  • Minimal documentation is required.
  • You can get the loan with no or low credit.


  • You have to find a reliable person to guarantee for you.
  • If you can’t repay the loan on time, you risk the relationship with this person.
  • No early repayments are allowed.
  • No partial payments are allowed.

When to use cosigned loans: When your parents or family member is willing to help you build credit or get a student loan.

Payday Alternative Loans (PALs)

Payday alternative loans (or PALs) are short-term and unsecured loans. These are usually issued with small amounts, and their main characteristic is to protect borrowers from the debt cycle.


  • Bad and no credit is OK.
  • APR was established by law.
  • Focused on borrowers’ income and ability to repay.
  • Lower APR than payday loans.
  • The higher amount of payday loans.
  • Much more flexible than payday loans.


  • High fees might be applicable.
  • Higher APR than personal loans, from 36% to 400%.
  • Some experts comment on them close to predatory.

When to use alternative payday loans: When your last options are predatory payday loans or auto title loans, these can be of help.

What Can I Do if I Still Can’t Get Approved for a Loan?

  • Shop Around! There is no better way to get approved for a loan than by comparing offers from different companies. There are so many legitimate personal loans that interred no credit differently.
  • Lower The Amount! Apply with less money than you request.
  • Get a secured personal loan, co-signer loan. This puts more trust in lenders. They are willing to give you more money and a lower APR.
  • Avoid loans. We have a great article giving you tips on how to avoid getting a loan.
  • Start Working on Your Credit Score Now! Building a credit score is a slow process, but that does not mean that you don’t have to start this today!!! You will start finding more lucrative options in time. With a great credit score, you save so much.
  • Read this article from on how to avoid payday loans.
  • Reconsider your application and try to discuss the ability to repay the loan with your lender. In the end, every lender cares to get their money and your ability to pay them on time.


  • Payday loans!
  • Auto Title Loans!
  • Offers Like: No Credit – No Problems; Fast Money – Get Today!


When you have no credit, you are vulnerable to predatory lenders! No credit is better than bad credit. Because the lending market is much more flexible these days, you can find many options.


Elite Personal Finance

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