Contact Information of Credit Bureaus

Elite Personal Finance
Last Update: September 14, 2023 Credit Report

You might want to contact one of the credit bureaus for several reasons, and they don’t always have to be negative.

You may need to dispute a negative item or request a credit freeze, but you can also ask them for a credit report to check where your score stands. As a matter of fact, it is beneficial to monitor your credit regularly and get your credit score from time to time.

Doing this allows you to improve your credit score if you think it is not good enough. You can also check for any potential problems and protect yourself from identity theft more effectively.

This is the contact information of the three major credit reporting agencies:


P.O. Box 9701
Allen, TX 75013
(888) 397-3742


P.O. Box 740256
Atlanta, GA 30374
(866) 349-5191 (for disputes)


P.O. Box 2000
Chester, PA 19022
(800) 916-8800


PRBC or Payment Reporting Builds Credit is the fourth credit bureau, and it does pretty much everything that the three major ones do. However, it also enables consumers to build reports and a positive credit history using timely bills, insurance payments, utility, and other alternative data.

MicroBilt Corporation owns this credit reporting agency, and it uses information that is not always reported to other bureaus.

1640 Airport Rd, Suite 115
Kennesaw, GA 30144
(800) 884-4747


Attn: Consumer Assistance
P.O. Box 1689
Pittsburgh, PA 15230-1689
(800) 540-2505

For Innovis corporate headquarters, contact:

250 E. Town St.
Columbus, Ohio 43215

Finally, thanks to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s relationship, Innovis is a credit reporting agency that consumers have increasingly important.

With Innovis, you can access reports and request changes like you would with any other credit bureau. The company sells lists to all creditors of both creditworthy and non-creditworthy consumers. If you want your name and number removed from their list of borrowers, you will have to call the national opt-out number (1-888-567-8688).

If you need to contact a credit reporting agency, it can be difficult to do it on the phone. If the numbers you find on the web are useless, check the company’s local corporate headquarters and contact them directly. You may get someone to talk to you if you ask to quickly speak with a customer service agent.

Keep in mind that you shouldn’t send inquiries concerning individual accounts to corporate headquarters’ mailing addresses. Before actually sending your letter, make sure that you are sending it to the correct department.

Besides, you can always go to the company’s website to get the most accurate information or find online forms. However, note that the credit bureaus’ preferred method of contact is by phone.

Once you get someone to talk to you and listen to your questions, they will give you the address to send your inquiry. It would also be smart to visit each bureau’s website to find the specific departments’ phone numbers and addresses, not dial the general number or send an email to their general email address.

Where to Get Your Free Annual Credit Report

Each major credit reporting agency can get one free credit report per year: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. Copies of your free reports are available at, authorized by federal law and operated by the three bureaus.

You can access your reports once a year for free regardless of the credit bureau you ask for the report from. After you get a free report, you can pay if you want to view your credit more often at the same bureau, which generally costs $15 per report. If you have requested changes to your credit report or filed a dispute, we definitely recommend you do it.

When you should pay to be issued your credit report, you need a faster dispute process. Credit reporting agencies usually have to investigate a dispute in 30 days. However, if you use to get your free report, they have as many as 45 days to do it.

How to Order Your Credit Report

When you decide to order a credit report, you can do it in two different ways.

The first option is to order all three reports to compare the reports’ information.

Why would you do this? Well, if you have never viewed your reports before and want to see if they are complete and correct, this may be a good thing to do. If you want to apply for a big loan or mortgage and want all the information in the report to be accurate, this is recommended.

The other option you have is to make a report every four months. This is very helpful if you want to repair your credit and track your progress while doing so.

When you use this ongoing monitoring, you are also much more likely to prevent identity fraud since this may be your only way to find out if somebody else has opened an account in your name.


Elite Personal Finance

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