Customized Cashback Could be The Best Thing to Happen to Millennials’ Credit Cards in 2019

Elite Personal Finance
Last Update: September 9, 2021 Financial News

Having modified cashback is imperative, especially to those who have credit cards. Do you know that you can maintain your card and reward yourself using credit cards? Nowadays, it’s possible. One can get rewarded after a cashback transaction. If you don’t have a card, you need to look for potential banks or lenders who offer cashback credit cards. Owning one is potentially the best thing you can wish for. That’s why the millennial generation embraces this new norm (customized cashback) to boost their credit cards.

Customized cashback is much demanding to the Bank of America. Would you like to know how? At the beginning of this year, the bank introduced cash rewards on their credit cards. It means, once you spend with your card, you’ll be able to get more rewards.

Having ultimate goals will lead to well-structured credit card usage.

Cashback customization has resulted in the right expertise, making life better. Through customization, millennials will find improvements and innovations such as elegant thermostats. Interestingly, America has become the best place to live.

The Millennials’ spending habits are well designed after the customization. Some of their significant advantages are:

Choice for Millennials

A well-planned budget is always encouraging. Some budgeters are champions, though; their spending behavior may change with time. Your billing series determines your chance for a new category. As earlier said, a well-customized cash rewards approach is currently offered by The Bank of America. The groups include;

  • 3 % cashback in your preferred category.
  • 2% cashback in wholesale stores and groceries (all quarterly purchases of up to $2,500).
  • 1% for all other products.

Some of the things you qualify to shop for from the multiple choices available include; doing online shopping, buying home expenses, ordering dining through their app, traveling expenditures, purchasing furniture, renovating a home building, and medicine stores.

Making The Most Spending

As you know already, a choice category can get changed to your preferred product. The choice depends on what you want at a given time. For example, when relocating into a new home, you may need to purchase some furniture and household items. You may change your category by earning more cash back on furniture and house wear. The cashback also applies when going for essential trips. Your vehicle might need a new tire for the journey. Why stress yourself? Just earn some cashback for a ‘tire’ as your chosen category.

The Bank of America also redeems your cashback as a deposit into your savings accounts. The bank uses it as a check, a credit statement to your credit card, or an eligible Merrill Lynch and Merrill Edge account. Additionally, the bank analyses the previous snapshot of your spending. It also guides you through determining the favorable category to enable you to earn more cashback.

Managing of Saving Goals

Early generations were not very good in terms of money management. According to the Bank of America report, Millennials manage their funds very well. It has contradicted the judgment made by many Americans about Generation Y as lighthearted money users. Setting goals and sticking to budgets have played a more significant role in supporting Millennials’ financial habits.

The Bank of America study shows that 73% of millennials have a planned budget and manage to stick to it almost every month. Of those with a good savings goal, 67% have stacked to it nearly every month, resulting in a 47% of millennials with savings of $15,000 or more. Interestingly, 16% have saved $100,000 or more after credit card customization. The modification has helped millennials in their transactions, thus improving their saving and spending habits.


Having modified cashback has enabled more millennials to live within their means. They have learned to manage their money carefully than the older generation. The rewards of cashback are quite encouraging. The reason is, one can get what they don’t have at the moment of need by changing the category to ones’ choice. No one regrets the customization of credit cards in America.


Elite Personal Finance

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