The Best Way to Make a Lot of Money as a Freelancer and Always Love What You are Doing

Elite Personal Finance
Last Update: September 6, 2021 Save Money

Work from the comfort of your home and make money. Make a lot of money free and easy. Become a freelancer, complete projects, and get paid.

Sounds great!

Many people like this idea.

In fact, freelancing work is something that millions of people have tried. But have all of these people succeeded?

Statistics show that:

  • 90% of freelancers make nothing.
  • 9% of freelancers make something but not a lot.
  • Only 1% of freelancers make big money.

How to be among this 1%? An easy or a very complicated task, you’d ask?

It could not be effortless for some of you, but it would be an easy task for others who know what they are doing. It’s all about you.

Here is how?

Provide only things that you love and understand. And become the best in your niche!

That is.

Do only things you know and understand, and soon you will find how easy it will be to become the best provider.

If you start doing what you love and understand, you will find many gaps in your niche. Then you will improve them, and you will see how easy it would be to become one of the best in your niche.

Believe it or not, that is true, and it is much easier than you think.

The truth about freelance providers is:

The quality of freelancing work is deficient!

We know this from our personal experience.

And you can take advantage of this!

Think about that. People who offer a low quality of work make money and even get great feedback (because they always ask for this). This means that there is good news for you. You can start offering high-quality services and make much more than all other people in your niche.

Many Freelancers Have No Idea What They are Doing

This is a fact! We at ElitePersonalFinance have accounts in many freelancer sites. We often hire people who help us in writing content, improving our site, etc. For example, some people who write for our site are freelancers.

But finding them was not easy at all!

Finding writers is easy, but finding high qualified writers is not an easy task at all.

We have posted over 1,000 job offers!

90% of the people who bid on our projects had no idea what they are doing!

Back on the statistic that we have provided.

Statistics show that:

  • 90% of freelancers make nothing.
  • 9% of freelancers make something but not a lot.
  • Only 1% of people make big money.

Now let’s rewrite these numbers that way:

  • 90% of the freelancers have no idea what they are doing at all!
  • 9% of freelancers know what they are doing, but their service quality is deficient.
  • Only 1% of people know what they are doing.

Very close values…

These numbers don’t cover 100%, because:

  • There are some low-qualified but tricky freelancers who know how to get clients.
  • Some qualified freelancers can’t get clients for some reason.

But overall, things are more than obvious!

Provide high-quality work, and you will succeed!

Do You Have to be an Expert to Succeed?

Not actually!

First of all, qualified experts are the only people who have some documents for that. These are professionals who have some level of the required education.

And from these people that are legit experts, do you think that all provide the same level of quality work?

No …

Do you know what you are an expert on, but you didn’t know about this?

Do you know that you can make a lot of money from your skills?

You probably are experts without having some papers that prove that…

Let’s explain that.

Are you good at video creation, for example?

Recently we came across one person who works as a spokesman. This person has made over $100,000 only for creating client videos. He loves his job. When he gets a project, he tries not only to complete it. He always tries to understand his clients’ businesses and help them by adding value to their business with his video.

This scenario definitely differs from a person who only tries to get more clients, charge them more, and try to complete his job fast, but make some gimmicks like adding some background or effect in his videos, thinking that clients would like them.

This scenario definitely differs from some companies, presenting them like top video providers. A company that tries to automate its work by trying to multiply its income. They probably will provide you with some certificates. Actually, who cares about that …

Who is the expert from these?

It’s more than obvious that number one is the best expert from these, although he doesn’t have some qualification level.

He was a very communicative person who loves to create videos.

He loves what he is doing, and he probably is the best expert.

Does video creation require some certificates?


The example carefully presents a type of work where people don’t need some special certification but can actually become experts and make a lot of money.

Do This One Thing, and You Will Succeed!

Let’s start with an example.

We hired a writer. His task was to add an article about credit cards. After we read the article, we found that he repeated ElitePersonalFinance over 10 times.

ElitePersonalFinance provides the best credit cards.

ElitePersonalFinance has the best experts.

ElitePersonalFinance this and that …

It turns into a type of promotion article.

Now, let’s say that you visit our site, looking for a credit card. What would you prefer?

  • To get some information on credit cards, to get tips on how to choose the best one for you, or:
  • To read things like: we do this, we do that, and so on.

What you’d do after you read this article?

You’ll instantly leave our site and won’t get back again.

We try to explain here that you should always provide value when you provide some work.

The actual value for your clients differs from ways to try to be liked by them.

How much money would we make from such a promotional article? Nothing, in fact, we would lose many clients.

The key here is:

Provide something that works for your clients!

If you only try to make your clients look like your work, this shouldn’t work.

Try to provide them with something that they would be interested in.

If we hire you to write an article on credit cards and people like it, this would probably mean that people will link to it, share it, and it will make some sales from its quality. We would definitely be interested in working with you again, giving you more work and increase your payouts.

The thing is that in many cases, clients don’t understand that the right way.

In these cases, you should always try to explain and help them.

The Biggest Mistake for Freelance Companies Who Try to Automate The Process and Multiply Their Earnings

There are many people with a business mindset. They are not here to work. They are here to create a business. They try to hire many people who work for them, and that way makes much more money.


You hire 100 web designers, and you find them work. And now you get 50% of what they make.

Sounds great.

You will only organize the process and get a percentage from the earnings of other people.

Does it always work that way?


And why?

Probably, because of many reasons, but …

There actually is one very important that we will try to explain here.

Think about making $1 and repeating the process 1 million times instead of making $1 Million.

All of the people that are a business mindset think about how to make millions.

It’s not incorrect to think about how to make millions.

It’s about how to approach this.

Again, think about how to organize quality work.

Think about how to organize high-quality work, set some standards, and then start to hire people who you’ll teach how to work under your standards.

This works!


Freelancing work is not for everyone. Freelancing work could be for everyone who understands how to organize it correctly.

All people can do this – false!

Everyone can do this – correct!


Elite Personal Finance

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