LifeLock Review of March 2025

LifeLock is the top identity theft protection company in the United States. It’s ranked #1 on many different top 10 lists, and it offers some of the best benefits to its customers.

It’s a company that can help anyone, even if you only have $9.99 a month to spend on protection.

What is LifeLock?

LifeLock is the premier identity and credit monitoring company. They offer many different options for individuals, families, and businesses.

Here’s a quick look at each of their identity theft plans …

We rated it #1 on our top identity protection services list, and we have many reasons for this.

First, it’s affordable. Second, you can choose your protection level and are not forced into a single type of protection. Third, it has some of the most extensive features offered by a fraud prevention company. Further, you can cover your children, keep track of your banking and credit accounts, and ensure your information never gets compromised on the Web. It’s truly the full package for identity theft prevention purposes.

How Much Does LifeLock Cost?

LifeLock has 3 individual plans: LifeLock Standard, LifeLock Advantage, and LifeLock Ultimate Plus.

LifeLock Standard costs you $8.99/mo first year. After that, you have to prepare $11.99/mo. Per year: $124.99.

LifeLock Advantage costs you $17.99/mo first year; after that, $22.99/mo. Per year: $239.99.

LifeLock Ultimate Plus is $25.99/mo first year; after that, $34.99/mo. Per year: $339.99.

But now, LifeLock offers discounted prices.

Get LifeLock with up to 25% discount per month for the first year – Standard at $8.99/mo., Advantage at $17.99/mo., Ultimate Plus at $25.99/mo. >>

Get LifeLock with up to 20% discount per year – Standard at $98.90/year, Advantage at $179.88/year, Ultimate Plus at $251.88/year >>

Is LifeLock Worth it? How Can I Cancel it?

You might be asking yourself if LifeLock is worth it. Before you can say that, you must understand what you are paying for.

Most of the poor reviews you might find were from customers who did not understand them correctly. Fortunately, here at ElitePersonalFinance, we will tell you exactly what you will get 100% legit from LifeLock.

First and foremost, LifeLock cannot prevent all identity theft. No service can, and any service that claims that they can is trying to scam you. What LifeLock does is prevent some forms of fraud by detecting strange activities on your credit, scanning websites that have your personal information on them, and looking for people who are using your Social Security Number (SSN) to take out loans or make large purchases.

This is an extremely effective protection against detecting and resolving the most common causes of identity theft.

If something does happen and LifeLock cannot resolve it, you have access to $1 million in coverage for out-of-pocket costs with the fraud, including lost income and legal fees. So, in short, you’re paying for peace of mind, and you’re getting it from the world’s #1 credit and identity fraud prevention company.

But in case you do want to cancel …

To cancel your LifeLock subscription, call 1-800-LIFELOCK (543-3562) or request your member portal. Any erroneous charges afterward can be charged back easily. According to their terms, you’ll even get a pro-rated refund for the part of the month you haven’t used their service.

Does LifeLock Work? Is it Legit or a Scam? 

If you want LifeLock to work for you, you have to understand what it does.

As said before, it has a variety of features that make it harder for someone to steal your good name successfully.

Their protection plans offer features like:

  • $1 Million in Identity theft insurance.
  • Up to $1 million in stolen fund replacement.
  • Bank account and credit card monitoring.
  • Black-market and file-sharing network monitoring.
  • Social Security Number and court record scanning.
  • Instant fraud alerts and 24/7 resolution services.

These things put your identity on ‘high alert,’ LifeLock acts as the security system, letting you know if there is an ‘intruder’ in your identity.

You can monitor your identity yourself, but it will take hours of your time, and it may cost you out of pocket. By buying one of LifeLock’s plans, you are saving both time AND money by having their trained specialists do it for you.

LifeLock Standard

LifeLock has a plan that nearly anyone can afford. For $9.99/month, your identity can be protected from different kinds of fraud.

LifeLock Standard has the following features available to you:

  • Up to $25,000 Stolen Funds Reimbursement
  • Million Dollar Protection Package
  • Up to $25,000 Stolen Funds Reimbursement
  • Up to $25,000 Personal Expense Compensation
  • Up to $1 Million Coverage for Lawyers and Experts
  • U.S.-Based Restoration Team
  • SSN and Credit Alerts
  • Lost Wallet Protection
  • Address Change Verification
  • Dark Web Monitoring
  • LifeLock Privacy Monitor
  • One Bureau Credit Monitoring

Is LifeLock Standard for me?

You might be wondering if this plan is really for you. It’s primarily for people who do not want to spend extra money on protection and do not want to worry about their stolen identity.

If you are:

  • A university student.
  • A bachelor.
  • In a lower income.

Then, LifeLock Standard is the protection you should be getting.

Check out our full LifeLock Standard review.

LifeLock Advantage: The Best Value for $19.99/Month!

The second offering is LifeLock Advantage, their value-based package meant for people who need protection and want to be sure that they’re getting a good bang for their buck.

The Advantage plan has all of the benefits that Standard has, but with better and easier protection. It especially adds more credit monitoring features, and credit fraud is the most common form of identity theft out there. By investing in Advantage, you are protecting yourself from a potential drop in credit score, which can ruin your chances of buying the home you want.

The added benefits of the Advantage plan include:

  • Up to $100,000 Stolen Funds Reimbursement
  • Credit Monitoring
  • Bank & Credit Card Activity Alerts
  • Alerts on Crimes in Your Name
  • Million Dollar Protection Package
  • Up to $100,000 Stolen Funds Reimbursement
  • Up to $100,000 Personal Expense Compensation
  • Up to $1 Million Coverage for Lawyers and Experts
  • U.S.-Based Restoration Team
  • SSN and Credit Alerts
  • Lost Wallet Protection
  • Address Change Verification
  • Dark Web Monitoring
  • LifeLock Privacy Monitor
  • One Bureau Credit Monitoring
  • Bank & Credit Card Activity Alerts
  • Alerts on Crimes Committed in Your Name
  • Data Breach Notifications
  • Fictitious Identity Monitoring
  • One Bureau Annual Credit Report & Score
  • The credit score provided is a VantageScore 3.0 credit score based on Equifax data. Third parties use many different types of credit scores and are likely to use a different type of credit score to assess your creditworthiness.

LifeLock Advantage offers more in terms of credit monitoring, allowing you to detect activity on your cards.

Is LifeLock Advantage for me?

If you are:

  • Shopping around for identity theft protection.
  • Wanting many features for an excellent, affordable price.
  • Concerned about your credit cards and bank accounts primarily.

Then, LifeLock Advantage is what you need to protect yourself.

Check out our full review of LifeLock Advantage to learn more!

LifeLock Ultimate Plus: The Best Identity Theft Protection

This is the premier service package offered by LifeLock. It’s the best suite available on the market and has more features than you will know what to do with.

For less than $1/day, you can have the best protection that LifeLock has to offer. And if you want to feel the most secure in your peace of mind, then you need to sign up for this service.

Here are LifeLock Ultimate Plus’ powerful features (and yes, you get ALL of Standard and Advantage’s features as well!).

Up to $1 Million Stolen Funds Reimbursement

Choose Ultimate Plus if you:

  • Have investments or a 401(k).
  • Have a higher net worth.
  • Want to check three-bureau credit scores annually.


  • Million Dollar Protection Package
  • Up to $1 Million Personal Expense Compensation
  • Up to $1 Million Coverage for Lawyers and Experts
  • U.S.-Based Restoration Team
  • SSN and Credit Alerts
  • Lost Wallet Protection
  • Address Change Verification
  • Dark Web Monitoring
  • LifeLock Privacy Monitor
  • Three Bureaus Credit Monitoring
  • Bank & Credit Card Activity Alerts
  • Alerts on Crimes Committed in Your Name
  • Data Breach Notifications
  • Fictitious Identity Monitoring
  • Three Bureaus Annual Credit Reports & Scores
    The credit scores provided are VantageScore 3.0 credit scores based on Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion data, respectively. Third parties use many different types of credit scores and are likely to use a different type of credit score to assess your creditworthiness.
  • Monthly One Bureau Credit Score Tracking. The credit score provided is a VantageScore 3.0 credit score based on Equifax data. Third parties use many different types of credit scores and are likely to use a different type of credit score to assess your creditworthiness.
  • 401(k) & Investment Activity Alerts
  • Bank Account Takeover & New Account Alerts
  • File-Sharing Network Searches
  • Priority Live Member Support

Is LifeLock Ultimate Plus for me?

If you:

  • Are a middle-to-high income earner.
  • I have been a victim of identity fraud in the past.
  • Want more than just protection for your good name, but also want other personal security features.

Then, LifeLock Ultimate Plus is the right choice for you.

Check out our full review of LifeLock Ultimate Plus!

LifeLock Family Plans – What Covers The Whole Family?

Unfortunately, there are no current protection plans from LifeLock that offer coverage for everyone in your household or family. This might be offered in the future, but right now, your only option is to purchase individual protection plans and add on the junior package to cover the children.

We also suggest you invest in Ultimate Plus because it offers the greatest level of coverage. Being a family means you have many “windows” into your life, making it easier for thieves to find ways in. If you use a comprehensive coverage plan that covers your credit account monitoring needs, you will be more likely to avoid identity theft attempts.

Even better, in 2015, the official release of the LifeLock privacy monitoring feature was announced. This made it possible for all LifeLock subscribers — those who pay for LifeLock Standard, Advantage, and Ultimate Plus — to enjoy complete identity protection. With this feature, LifeLock subscribers get their information out of phone directories and search engine sites — this is a huge plus because many children are attacked through their parent’s information first.

If you need coverage for the whole family, read our review on LifeLock family protection abilities!

LifeLock Junior: Your Children Need Protection Too!

If you’re looking into transferring your LifeLock plan’s benefits to your children, it’s quick and easy. All you have to do is add them to your subscription with LifeLock Junior.

LifeLock Junior gives your children some of the protection you have, all for an additional $5.99 per month (per child).

Your child gets the following benefits:

  • LifeLock Identity Alert® System
  • Dark Web Monitoring
  • Lost Wallet Protection
  • Stolen Funds Reimbursement
  • Credit File Detection
  • Identity Restoration Support
  • Coverage For Lawyers And Experts
  • File-Sharing Network Searches

By purchasing a plan for your child, you ensure that if their info gets into the wrong hands, you can keep their credit profile clean and set them up for their adult life.

Check out our full review of LifeLock Junior here!

LifeLock vs. other Top Services: IdentityGuard, TrustedID, and ProtectMyID!

Along with LifeLock, these three companies are consistently rated as the top identity theft companies. Costco offers IdentityGuard, TrustedID has powerful family protection, and ProtectMyID has some of the best protection out there.

However, LifeLock still stands out in many ways.

So, what unique features LifeLock has?

  • $1 Million Total Service Guarantee. All of these companies offer $1 million in coverage… but only LifeLock promises that $1 Million of ALL out-of-pocket costs (yes, including airfare, legal costs, and time off work) incurred due to fraud will be covered.
  • LifeLock Wallet App. As explained before, LifeLock Wallet allows you to carry copies of your credit cards, ID cards, and health insurance cards on the cloud through LifeLock’s cryptographically secure cloud application. You can also access your credit score directly from the app and access your Lifelock account services.
  • Investment Account Protection. Your investment account is your nest egg and is what you will use to live comfortably during retirement. And yet, only Lifelock promises to keep this safe! How can any other service not promise to keep your future safe in such a way?

*Disclaimer: “Service Guarantee benefits for State of New York members are provided under a Master Insurance Policy issued by State National Insurance Company. Benefits for all other members are provided under a Master Insurance Policy underwritten by United Specialty Insurance Company. Under the “Service Guarantee,” LifeLock will spend up to $1 million to hire experts to help your recovery. Please see the policy for terms, conditions, and exclusions at”

Guaranteed cost coverage, a secure mobile app to access credit card information, AND a protected nest egg: three things that matter most to you and your family, and yet other companies do not offer this.

Please read our Full Lifelock Reviews.

Other LifeLock plans include:

LifeLock Standard is a basic protection plan that includes all you need to assume your identity is safe from bad actors.

LifeLock Advantage – a basic protection plan that includes everything from LifeLock Standard, plus more identity theft features and credit monitoring help.

LifeLock Ultimate Plus – a full package deal, including the best credit monitoring and identity theft features money can buy.

LifeLock Junior is a basic add-on that allows you to extend identity theft protection to your children, not bad, considering that around 10% of kids become victims.

LifeLock Wallet – a protection plan in the form of an app, which allows you to keep safe and track your credit score through your smartphone.

LifeLock Family – a run-through on the best identity theft prevention features and how you can best sculpt a family-oriented protection plan.


Elite Personal Finance

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