The Danger of No Income Verification Loans

Elite Personal Finance
Last Update: September 6, 2021 Loans

When a licensed company gives you a loan, it typically verifies your whole financial situation like credit score, income, debt to income ratio, and so on. In many states, they are even required by law to perform this check. Your credit score, income, debt to income ratio help the lender to understand whether you can pay your loan. If you don’t meet the criteria, the lender puts both you and his money at risk. In fact, the problems for customers could be much more serious. Here we will discuss them.

Credit Score Check vs. Income Verification – Understand The Key Difference

Your credit history gives you the whole idea of your overall creditworthiness. It is based mainly on factors that are affected by your correct payments to many institutions. Loans, credit cards, bills, and so on. These were the main criteria that lenders used to determine your risk.

But it was …

These days lenders rely on other factors. In fact, most of them these days pay more attention to your income and debt to income ratio.


Because this tells them do you actually have money or not …

There are many cases when people have high income and low credit scores because they don’t pay their bills on time?

Do you know that registered millionaires have been denied on a credit card by banks only because of their credit scores? This fact should make sense.

So, to explain the things in brief:

  • Your credit score tells more about how correct you are.
  • Your income tells whether you have money, whether you have the ability to pay.

Note! The ability to pay and the fact that you pay on time or not are different things!

There are many people who have money but don’t pay on time …

How No Income Verification Loans Work and Why They are Dangerous?

No income verification loans could be more dangerous even than no credit check loans!

Here we will explain why.

On no credit check loans, the lenders don’t check your credit history and give you a loan based on other criteria.

No income verification loans indicate that the lender doesn’t check your income and give you a loan.

In most cases, these types of loans are payday loans or other types of bad credit loans.

There is one great advantage of these types of loans. And it is obvious. People can go and get easy money.

But, there is a hidden risk! And it becomes when people have to go and get back this money. In case people don’t have any money, the problem could become serious. People typically get into a debt cycle or declare bankruptcy.

Now, let’s go back to our example and explain what would happen if the loan was:

  • No credit check.
  • No income verification.

If you are in a situation with bad credit, but you have money, you will pay the loan on time. Both no income verification and no credit check loans are expensive, but you will be able to pay them if you have money.

But what would happen if you are correct, but you don’t have money? You can’t pay the loan on time.

If you actually can’t pay your loan on time because you have no money, and you can do absolutely nothing, then your problems could become serious.

And that is why no income verification loans are dangerous.

Today you go and get easy money. But tomorrow, you understand that you have to pay much more, and you have no options.

Then you go and get another loan to pay the old one.

Then another.

And you are in the debt cycle.

But this is not the typical debt cycle that most people know.

This is a multi loan debt cycle. The multi loan debt cycle is more serious and dangerous than the traditional debt cycle.

The traditional debt cycle means that you have one loan that you can’t pay on time which in most cases is a payday loan. The lender requires you to pay only its interest, which doesn’t lower the loan’s principal amount. This process repeats for a long period of time.

The multiple debt cycle is the same. The difference here is that you pay many loans. This should make sense.

Pro tip:

Get a loan only if you are sure that you can pay it on time!

Are There Legitimate No Income Verification Lenders?

Technically there are almost no lenders that don’t perform a check to your income. All lenders claim that they verify your income, and if you read their contracts carefully, you will find that it is clearly written that your income has been checked and verified.

But …

In fact, some lenders give you a loan without checking your ability to pay it. In most cases, lenders only ask how much you make per month. And they don’t require you to prove that.

And most of the people actually can’t …

This is dangerous, but let’s see now, is it legit?

Yes and no.

In some states, the law requires lenders to check your credit score, income, and so on. So, if a lender is verified and licensed, he is required by law to perform this check. If they don’t do that, they are illegal.

In other states, lenders are not required to perform this check. So, if they don’t do it, this doesn’t make them illegal.

Also. Even if the law requires that there are lenders who skip the law.

Should I Get a No Income Verification Loan?

When we talk about no verification loans and no credit check loans, typically, we talk about payday loans or auto title loans.

These loans are costly!

But again, this is not the only danger. They are also dangerous because they put people in a position where they can’t pay their loans. And people end up in a debt cycle or bankruptcy.

If you ask us, avoid all no credit check loans and all no income verification loans!

Get them only if you are sure that you can pay them on time.

The Advanced Strategy if You Live on a Loan!

Many people live on a loan.

The day that you go and get the money is great.

The day that you go and pay them is bad.

The day you understand that you are in a debt cycle and can’t pay your loan, much worse.

Here is the best strategy that people should use.

Treat this money that is yours and those that are not yours differently!

Your money is yours! You can do whatever you want with them.

The money from loans, credit cards, overdrafts are NOT yours! And you should treat them differently!

Mark all money that is not yours. And when you go and spend it think carefully.

For every buck!

This easy rule can totally change your finances!

When Should I Get No Income Verification Loan

The easiest rule is to get such a loan only if you are sure that you can give it back on time.

Well, in life, there are always unexpected situations. Some people become with no work for a certain period of time, and so on.

Be careful with these loans!

Before getting such a loan, you should try a few of these options:

  • Apply for a persona loan in many places.
  • Go secured.
  • Try alternative payday loans.

And only if you have no other options get no income verification loan.

Are All Payday Loans No Income Verification?


In fact, most of these loans are no credit check types loans, but NOT no income verification loans.

This again proves that no income verification loans are more dangerous for both you and your lender.

Even alternative payday loans that claim that don’t perform a credit check verify your income.

What’s your credit score vs. do you have money to pay are totally different questions.


Be careful with things that look too good to be true. Even if they are good today, tomorrow, things change.

Thanks for reading our guide. We hope you’ve learned something today, so your finances will be better.


Elite Personal Finance

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