Safest Places to Live in Massachusetts of March 2025

Elite Personal Finance
Last Update: December 1, 2024 Living

As one of the New England states, Massachusetts is located in the Northeastern United States. Massachusetts is certainly one of the historically essential U.S. states since it was a place of many momentous events. Plymouth was the first colony in New England; the Boston Tea Party is considered the starting point of the American Revolutionary War, while Springfield is the basketball’s birthplace.

Around 6,800,000 people are living in Massachusetts, which makes it the 15th most populated state. Boston is the capital of Massachusetts and home to numerous prestigious higher education institutions, such as Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Tufts University, and Berklee College of Music.

Ranking Criteria

ElitePersonalFinance extracted the latest data from the FBI crime statistics in the United States. We took violent crime as the main criteria. To get our score, we used this formula:

Crime Score = ( Total Number of Violent Crimes / Population ) * 1,000

This way, safer cities got the lowest score, and those more vulnerable to crimes got higher scores.

The cities that did not report crimes to the FBI and those under 5,000 residents were not included in the list.

50 Safest Places in Massachusetts of March 2025

Rank: City: Population: Total Number of Crimes: Crime Score:
1 Wenham 5 295 0 0,00
2 Boxford 8 352 0 0,00
3 Wayland 13 891 0 0,00
4 Hopkinton 18 585 0 0,00
5 Franklin 33 149 2 0,06
6 Norfolk 11 992 1 0,08
7 Shrewsbury 37 983 4 0,11
8 Reading 25 305 3 0,12
9 Hamilton 8 075 1 0,12
10 Lynnfield 13 130 2 0,15
11 Dover 6 118 1 0,16
12 Carlisle 5 255 1 0,19
13 Hampden 5 199 1 0,19
14 Northborough 15 075 3 0,20
15 Hanover 14 485 3 0,21
16 Andover 36 547 8 0,22
17 Georgetown 8 777 2 0,23
18 Belmont 26 331 6 0,23
19 Wellesley 29 651 7 0,24
20 Dedham 25 203 7 0,28
21 Merrimac 7 001 2 0,29
22 Clinton 13 964 4 0,29
23 Groveland 6 846 2 0,29
24 Southborough 10 140 3 0,30
25 Winchester 22 850 7 0,31
26 Needham 31 275 10 0,32
27 Wrentham 11 989 4 0,33
28 Cohasset 8 609 3 0,35
29 Manchester-by-the-Sea 5 423 2 0,37
30 Bolton 5 393 2 0,37
31 Milton 27 471 11 0,40
32 Westford 24 403 10 0,41
33 Medway 13 405 6 0,45
34 Sharon 18 973 9 0,47
35 Mendon 6 176 3 0,49
36 Sterling 8 175 4 0,49
37 Bedford 14 193 7 0,49
38 Middleton 10 113 5 0,49
39 Billerica 43 882 22 0,50
40 Lexington 33 824 17 0,50
41 Swampscott 15 296 8 0,52
42 North Andover 31 428 17 0,54
43 Newton 88 658 49 0,55
44 Stow 7 234 4 0,55
45 Duxbury 15 934 9 0,56
46 Charlton 13 679 8 0,58
47 Lincoln 6 798 4 0,59
48 Boxborough 6 540 4 0,61
49 Lancaster 8 136 5 0,61
50 Westwood 16 199 10 0,62

Crime Score in All Cities in Massachusetts of March 2025

If your city didn’t make our list, you could see our full list of Massachusetts cities.

We can’t compare crime rates in small and large cities. That’s why ElitePersonalFinance made a detailed analysis and narrowed the results according to population segments:

  • Under 3,000 Residents
  • 3,000 – 10,000 Residents
  • 10,000 – 30,000 Residents
  • Over 30,000 Residents

(Other sites don’t include places with under 3,000 residents, but we included them.)

These are the results that we got:

Under 3,000 Residents

Rank: City: Population: Total Number of Crimes: Crime Score:
1 Goshen 1 065 0 0,00
2 Worthington 1 191 0 0,00
3 Pelham 1 322 0 0,00
4 Gill 1 490 0 0,00
5 Erving 1 771 0 0,00
6 Oakham 1 955 0 0,00
7 Wellfleet 2 705 0 0,00
8 Northfield 2 988 0 0,00
9 Stockbridge 1 898 1 0,53
10 Whately 1 589 1 0,63
11 Williamsburg 2 489 2 0,80
12 Holland 2 484 2 0,81
13 Wales 1 894 2 1,06
14 Plympton 2 980 4 1,34
15 Becket 1 724 3 1,74
16 East Brookfield 2 202 4 1,82
17 Bernardston 2 113 5 2,37
18 West Tisbury 2 911 7 2,40
19 Truro 1 984 5 2,52
20 New Braintree 1 024 3 2,93
21 Chilmark 920 3 3,26
22 Provincetown 2 939 16 5,44
23 Aquinnah 328 2 6,10

3,000 – 10,000 Residents

Rank: City: Population: Total Number of Crimes: Crime Score:
1 Wenham 5 295 0 0,00
2 Boxford 8 352 0 0,00
3 Hamilton 8 075 1 0,12
4 Dover 6 118 1 0,16
5 Carlisle 5 255 1 0,19
6 Hampden 5 199 1 0,19
7 Georgetown 8 777 2 0,23
8 Merrimac 7 001 2 0,29
9 Princeton 3 459 1 0,29
10 Groveland 6 846 2 0,29
11 Cheshire 3 133 1 0,32
12 Cohasset 8 609 3 0,35
13 Manchester-by-the-Sea 5 423 2 0,37
14 Bolton 5 393 2 0,37
15 Mendon 6 176 3 0,49
16 Sterling 8 175 4 0,49
17 Stow 7 234 4 0,55
18 Lincoln 6 798 4 0,59
19 Hatfield 3 286 2 0,61
20 Boxborough 6 540 4 0,61
21 Lancaster 8 136 5 0,61
22 Plainville 9 281 6 0,65
23 Williamstown 8 021 6 0,75
24 Topsfield 6 644 5 0,75
25 Harvard 6 569 5 0,76
26 Marion 5 132 4 0,78
27 Boylston 4 694 4 0,85
28 Orleans 5 742 5 0,87
29 Dunstable 3 405 3 0,88
30 Douglas 8 946 8 0,89
31 Dalton 6 546 6 0,92
32 Rowley 6 372 6 0,94
33 Rockport 7 280 7 0,96
34 Deerfield 5 032 5 0,99
35 Halifax 7 874 8 1,02
36 Southwick 9 772 10 1,02
37 Eastham 4 823 5 1,04
38 Townsend 9 546 10 1,05
39 Sunderland 3 656 4 1,09
40 Berkley 6 799 8 1,18
41 Berlin 3 241 4 1,23
42 West Bridgewater 7 248 9 1,24
43 Sutton 9 551 12 1,26
44 Ashburnham 6 330 8 1,26
45 Chatham 6 117 8 1,31
46 West Boylston 8 216 11 1,34
47 Blackstone 9 294 13 1,40
48 Lenox 4 951 7 1,41
49 Granby 6 360 9 1,42
50 Southampton 6 247 9 1,44
51 Millville 3 249 5 1,54
52 Freetown 9 388 15 1,60
53 Templeton 8 109 13 1,60
54 Great Barrington 6 822 11 1,61
55 Paxton 4 944 8 1,62
56 Ayer 8 192 14 1,71
57 Brookfield 3 440 6 1,74
58 Lee 5 686 10 1,76
59 Sturbridge 9 611 17 1,77
60 Salisbury 9 575 17 1,78
61 Mattapoisett 6 372 12 1,88
62 Hopedale 5 929 12 2,02
63 Avon 4 504 10 2,22
64 Shirley 7 633 19 2,49
65 Westminster 7 902 20 2,53
66 Brewster 9 725 25 2,57
67 Barre 5 573 16 2,87
68 Orange 7 643 22 2,88
69 Monson 8 851 27 3,05
70 Adams 8 028 26 3,24
71 Nahant 3 511 12 3,42
72 Rutland 8 888 35 3,94
73 Edgartown 4 362 20 4,59
74 Hardwick 3 039 14 4,61
75 Hadley 5 358 26 4,85
76 Ware 9 804 49 5,00
77 Oak Bluffs 4 681 26 5,55
78 Montague 8 298 49 5,91
79 Tisbury 4 116 30 7,29

10,000 – 30,000 Residents

Rank: City: Population: Total Number of Crimes: Crime Score:
1 Wayland 13 891 0 0,00
2 Hopkinton 18 585 0 0,00
3 Norfolk 11 992 1 0,08
4 Reading 25 305 3 0,12
5 Lynnfield 13 130 2 0,15
6 Northborough 15 075 3 0,20
7 Hanover 14 485 3 0,21
8 Belmont 26 331 6 0,23
9 Wellesley 29 651 7 0,24
10 Dedham 25 203 7 0,28
11 Clinton 13 964 4 0,29
12 Southborough 10 140 3 0,30
13 Winchester 22 850 7 0,31
14 Wrentham 11 989 4 0,33
15 Milton 27 471 11 0,40
16 Westford 24 403 10 0,41
17 Medway 13 405 6 0,45
18 Sharon 18 973 9 0,47
19 Bedford 14 193 7 0,49
20 Middleton 10 113 5 0,49
21 Swampscott 15 296 8 0,52
22 Duxbury 15 934 9 0,56
23 Charlton 13 679 8 0,58
24 Westwood 16 199 10 0,62
25 Longmeadow 15 737 10 0,64
26 Rehoboth 12 252 8 0,65
27 Groton 11 388 8 0,70
28 Pembroke 18 378 13 0,71
29 Weston 12 138 9 0,74
30 Scituate 18 774 14 0,75
31 Sudbury 19 727 15 0,76
32 Grafton 18 880 15 0,79
33 North Attleboro 29 202 24 0,82
34 Holliston 14 996 13 0,87
35 Concord 19 253 17 0,88
36 Spencer 11 911 11 0,92
37 Norwell 11 105 11 0,99
38 North Reading 15 687 16 1,02
39 Belchertown 15 195 16 1,05
40 Littleton 10 334 11 1,06
41 Marblehead 20 574 22 1,07
42 Melrose 28 120 32 1,14
43 Acushnet 10 533 12 1,14
44 Norton 19 894 23 1,16
45 Ashland 17 742 21 1,18
46 Pepperell 12 146 15 1,23
47 Marshfield 25 794 32 1,24
48 Hingham 23 960 30 1,25
49 Westborough 19 155 24 1,25
50 Newburyport 18 158 23 1,27
51 Westport 15 920 21 1,32
52 Wilmington 23 915 32 1,34
53 Acton 23 780 32 1,35
54 Ipswich 14 095 19 1,35
55 Wakefield 27 178 37 1,36
56 Abington 16 448 23 1,40
57 Lakeville 11 419 16 1,40
58 Danvers 27 664 39 1,41
59 Amesbury 17 595 25 1,42
60 Uxbridge 14 066 20 1,42
61 Wilbraham 14 730 21 1,43
62 Stoneham 22 732 33 1,45
63 Bellingham 17 143 25 1,46
64 East Longmeadow 16 269 24 1,48
65 South Hadley 17 816 27 1,52
66 Tyngsboro 12 456 19 1,53
67 Kingston 13 758 21 1,53
68 Burlington 29 082 45 1,55
69 Hanson 10 876 17 1,56
70 Norwood 29 185 47 1,61
71 Milford 29 015 48 1,65
72 Auburn 16 724 28 1,67
73 Seekonk 15 841 27 1,70
74 Easton 25 079 43 1,71
75 Millbury 13 837 24 1,73
76 Harwich 12 028 22 1,83
77 Northbridge 16 732 31 1,85
78 East Bridgewater 14 472 27 1,87
79 Walpole 25 150 49 1,95
80 Lunenburg 11 781 23 1,95
81 Raynham 14 322 28 1,96
82 Winthrop 18 692 37 1,98
83 Foxborough 17 631 35 1,99
84 Sandwich 20 016 40 2,00
85 Stoughton 28 961 58 2,00
86 Leicester 11 368 23 2,02
87 Swansea 16 681 34 2,04
88 Oxford 13 973 29 2,08
89 Bridgewater 27 270 59 2,16
90 Whitman 15 134 33 2,18
91 Carver 11 721 26 2,22
92 Maynard 10 654 24 2,25
93 Easthampton 15 979 37 2,32
94 Nantucket 11 393 27 2,37
95 Somerset 18 036 43 2,38
96 Saugus 28 378 72 2,54
97 Mansfield 23 987 65 2,71
98 Dudley 11 754 32 2,72
99 Bourne 19 734 54 2,74
100 Mashpee 14 094 39 2,77
101 Agawam 28 736 82 2,85
102 Ludlow 21 395 63 2,94
103 Rockland 17 879 53 2,96
104 Holbrook 10 990 33 3,00
105 Fairhaven 15 996 51 3,19
106 Gardner 20 628 70 3,39
107 Winchendon 10 897 37 3,40
108 Canton 23 706 85 3,59
109 Athol 11 679 47 4,02
110 Palmer 12 258 50 4,08
111 Northampton 28 735 119 4,14
112 Yarmouth 23 076 96 4,16
113 Hull 10 402 47 4,52
114 Southbridge 16 826 79 4,70
115 Greenfield 17 464 84 4,81
116 West Springfield 28 628 138 4,82
117 Middleboro 25 183 128 5,08
118 North Adams 12 800 72 5,63
119 Dennis 13 738 88 6,41
120 Wareham 22 592 161 7,13
121 Webster 16 925 122 7,21

Over 30,000 Residents

Rank: City: Population: Total Number of Crimes: Crime Score:
1 Franklin 33 149 2 0,06
2 Shrewsbury 37 983 4 0,11
3 Andover 36 547 8 0,22
4 Needham 31 275 10 0,32
5 Billerica 43 882 22 0,50
6 Lexington 33 824 17 0,50
7 North Andover 31 428 17 0,54
8 Newton 88 658 49 0,55
9 Arlington 45 614 34 0,75
10 Watertown 36 189 29 0,80
11 Dracut 31 786 30 0,94
12 Chelmsford 35 218 34 0,97
13 Brookline 58 928 57 0,97
14 Natick 36 358 37 1,02
15 Beverly 42 317 47 1,11
16 Braintree 37 145 45 1,21
17 Waltham 62 737 102 1,63
18 Woburn 40 251 70 1,74
19 Methuen 50 727 95 1,87
20 Gloucester 30 362 58 1,91
21 Westfield 41 507 83 2,00
22 Medford 57 484 116 2,02
23 Somerville 81 668 166 2,03
24 Dartmouth 34 035 77 2,26
25 Peabody 53 104 123 2,32
26 Randolph 34 385 82 2,38
27 Salem 43 443 108 2,49
28 Amherst 39 603 99 2,50
29 Tewksbury 31 424 81 2,58
30 Malden 60 746 162 2,67
31 Attleboro 44 959 123 2,74
32 Cambridge 119 908 334 2,79
33 Weymouth 57 776 170 2,94
34 Revere 53 654 173 3,22
35 Plymouth 60 870 199 3,27
36 Falmouth 30 717 110 3,58
37 Lowell 111 423 405 3,63
38 Marlborough 39 673 149 3,76
39 Taunton 57 028 217 3,81
40 Quincy 94 113 375 3,98
41 Barnstable 44 032 178 4,04
42 Framingham 73 127 297 4,06
43 Lynn 94 449 465 4,92
44 Everett 47 195 245 5,19
45 Haverhill 63 935 335 5,24
46 Fitchburg 40 621 217 5,34
47 Leominster 41 631 239 5,74
48 Boston 698 941 4 244 6,07
49 Chicopee 55 293 340 6,15
50 Worcester 184 945 1 165 6,30
51 New Bedford 94 613 628 6,64
52 Chelsea 40 496 270 6,67
53 Lawrence 80 243 541 6,74
54 Pittsfield 42 268 300 7,10
55 Brockton 95 287 782 8,21
56 Holyoke 40 178 345 8,59
57 Fall River 89 066 773 8,68
58 Springfield 154 306 1 397 9,05

How safe do you feel?

Is your city safe enough? Are you worried because of the crime rate in your town? Do you have any thoughts on safety levels in the country?

If you want to share anything, feel free to leave a comment. That way, you can help us understand your perspective better.

Thank you!




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