Safest Places to Live in Mississippi of March 2025

Elite Personal Finance
Last Update: December 1, 2024 Living

Mississippi is located in the south of the United States. It has a coastline of the Gulf of Mexico and the Mississippi River. Mississippi’s population is around 3 million, making it the 32nd most populous state in the United States. With a population of 175,000, Jackson is the state’s capital and the largest city.

Of course, Mississippi was a Confederate state, and its economy largely depended on plantations, slaves, and agriculture. At present, the state’s economy still heavily relies on agriculture. It is mainly a rural state with no high education, health, and median household income.

Mississippi has traditionally been a state of racial, political, and many other kinds of conflict. First, there was a conflict during the Civil War. Nowadays, there is an everlasting battle between Republicans voted by the white population and Democrats voted by the black population. Perhaps these conflicts are the reason why Mississippi is the most religious of all states in the US.

Ranking Criteria

ElitePersonalFinance extracted the latest data from the FBI crime statistics in the United States. We took violent crime as the main criteria. To get our score, we used this formula:

Crime Score = ( Total Number of Violent Crimes / Population ) * 1,000

This way, safer cities got the lowest score, and those more vulnerable to crimes got higher scores.

The cities that did not report crimes to the FBI and those under 5,000 residents were not included in the list.

10 Safest Places in Mississippi of March 2025

Rank: City: Population: Total Number of Crimes: Crime Score:
1 Petal 10 702 3 0,28
2 Madison 25 862 10 0,39
3 D’Iberville 14 125 10 0,71
4 Brandon 24 426 26 1,06
5 Horn Lake 27 256 31 1,14
6 Ocean Springs 17 864 23 1,29
7 Byram 11 672 17 1,46
8 Southaven 55 718 92 1,65
9 Flowood 9 401 19 2,02
10 Olive Branch 38 761 89 2,30

Crime Score in All Cities in Mississippi of March 2025

If your city didn’t make our list, you could see our full list of Mississippi cities.

We can’t compare crime rates in small and large cities. That’s why ElitePersonalFinance made a detailed analysis and narrowed the results according to population segments:

  • Under 10,000 Residents
  • 10,000 – 30,000 Residents
  • Over 30,000 Residents

These are the results that we got:

Under 10,000 Residents

Rank: City: Population: Total Number of Crimes: Crime Score:
1 Florence 4 500 3 0,67
2 Wiggins 4 618 5 1,08
3 Ackerman 1 443 2 1,39
4 Flowood 9 401 19 2,02
5 Pass Christian 6 285 16 2,55
6 Batesville 7 234 24 3,32
7 Kosciusko 6 774 23 3,40
8 Edwards 991 21 21,19

10,000 – 30,000 Residents

Rank: City: Population: Total Number of Crimes: Crime Score:
1 Petal 10 702 3 0,28
2 Madison 25 862 10 0,39
3 D’Iberville 14 125 10 0,71
4 Brandon 24 426 26 1,06
5 Horn Lake 27 256 31 1,14
6 Ocean Springs 17 864 23 1,29
7 Byram 11 672 17 1,46
8 Pascagoula 21 610 56 2,59
9 Ridgeland 24 171 66 2,73
10 Gautier 18 563 53 2,86
11 Brookhaven 12 037 45 3,74
12 West Point 10 430 39 3,74
13 Laurel 18 471 125 6,77

Over 10,000 Residents

Rank: City: Population: Total Number of Crimes: Crime Score:
1 Southaven 55 718 92 1,65
2 Olive Branch 38 761 89 2,30
3 Hattiesburg 45 971 106 2,31
4 Gulfport 72 383 236 3,26
5 Biloxi 46 185 188 4,07
6 Meridian 36 878 181 4,91

How safe do you feel?

Is your city safe enough? Are you worried because of the crime rate in your town? Do you have any thoughts on safety levels in your state?

If you want to share anything, feel free to leave a comment. That way, you can help us understand your perspective better.

Thank you!




Elite Personal Finance

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