Safest Places to Live in Nebraska of March 2025

Elite Personal Finance
Last Update: December 1, 2024 Living

Located in the Great Plains and the Midwestern region of the United States, Nebraska borders South Dakota, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, and Wyoming.

Home to slightly over 1.9 million people, it is the 37th most populous state in the US. Nebraska’s capital is Lincoln, while the largest city is Omaha, which lies on the Missouri River and is home to approximately 450,000 people.

Nebraska was a land of many Native American people before being admitted to the United States in 1867. An interesting fact is that the government of Nebraska is officially nonpartisan.

Climate is rather dynamic and can bring tornadoes and violent thunderstorms, but also milder and enjoyable periods. The landscape of Nebraska portrays a lot of treeless prairies, which creates excellent conditions for cattle growth. Nebraska is an important producer of beef, pork, corn, and soybeans.

Ranking Criteria

ElitePersonalFinance extracted the latest data from the FBI crime statistics in the United States. We took violent crime as the main criteria. To get our score, we used this formula:

Crime Score = ( Total Number of Violent Crimes / Population ) * 1,000

This way, safer cities got the lowest score, and those more vulnerable to crimes got higher scores.

The cities that did not report crimes to the FBI and those under 5,000 residents were not included in the list.

10 Safest Places in Nebraska of March 2025

Rank: City: Population: Total Number of Crimes: Crime Score:
1 Seward 7 250 2 0,28
2 Schuyler 6 396 3 0,47
3 Gering 8 189 9 1,10
4 La Vista 17 223 19 1,10
5 Columbus 23 406 28 1,20
6 Blair 7 836 10 1,28
7 Norfolk 24 698 32 1,30
8 McCook 7 533 11 1,46
9 Ralston 7 468 12 1,61
10 York 7 877 13 1,65

Crime Score in All Cities in Nebraska of March 2025

If your city didn’t make our list, you could see our full list of Nebraska cities.

We can’t compare crime rates in small and large cities. That’s why ElitePersonalFinance made a detailed analysis and narrowed the results according to population segments:

  • Under 3,000 Residents
  • 3,000 – 10,000 Residents
  • Over 10,000 Residents

(Other sites don’t include places with under 3,000 residents, but we included them.)

These are the results that we got:

Under 3,000 Residents

Rank: City: Population: Total Number of Crimes: Crime Score:
1 Emerson 796 0 0,00
2 Tilden 934 0 0,00
3 Ravenna 1 369 0 0,00
4 Imperial 2 074 0 0,00
5 Valley 2 904 1 0,34
6 Ashland 2 604 2 0,77
7 Madison 2 378 2 0,84
8 Minden 2 985 3 1,01
9 Superior 1 812 2 1,10
10 Tekamah 1 692 2 1,18
11 Central City 2 868 6 2,09
12 Ord 2 087 5 2,40
13 Valentine 2 751 9 3,27
14 Boys Town 579 8 13,82

3,000 – 10,000 Residents

Rank: City: Population: Total Number of Crimes: Crime Score:
1 Gothenburg 3 433 0 0,00
2 Seward 7 250 2 0,28
3 West Point 3 307 1 0,30
4 Wahoo 4 513 2 0,44
5 Schuyler 6 396 3 0,47
6 Aurora 4 539 4 0,88
7 Gering 8 189 9 1,10
8 Blair 7 836 10 1,28
9 McCook 7 533 11 1,46
10 Cozad 3 757 6 1,60
11 Ralston 7 468 12 1,61
12 York 7 877 13 1,65
13 Chadron 5 446 10 1,84
14 Falls City 4 130 8 1,94
15 Broken Bow 3 532 7 1,98
16 O’Neill 3 615 8 2,21
17 Ogallala 4 476 10 2,23
18 Nebraska City 7 273 18 2,47
19 Holdrege 5 394 14 2,60
20 Plattsmouth 6 478 17 2,62
21 Sidney 6 331 22 3,47
22 Crete 7 094 46 6,48

Over 10,000 Residents

Rank: City: Population: Total Number of Crimes: Crime Score:
1 La Vista 17 223 19 1,10
2 Columbus 23 406 28 1,20
3 Norfolk 24 698 32 1,30
4 Beatrice 12 227 22 1,80
5 Hastings 24 778 45 1,82
6 Fremont 26 523 49 1,85
7 Papillion 20 580 40 1,94
8 Lexington 10 108 20 1,98
9 Bellevue 53 880 110 2,04
10 South Sioux City 12 771 30 2,35
11 Scottsbluff 15 862 53 3,34
12 North Platte 23 705 89 3,75
13 Lincoln 291 128 1 115 3,83
14 Grand Island 51 821 236 4,55
15 Omaha 470 481 2 883 6,13

Is your city safe enough? Are you worried because of the crime rate in your town? Do you have any thoughts on safety levels in the country?

How safe do you feel?

If you want to share anything, feel free to leave a comment. That way, you can help us understand your perspective better.

Thank you!




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